Improving the Quality of Life

Archive for the ‘Digital transformation’ Category

Smartphones for Smart Cities

Smart cities empower citizens to participate in the cities planning, economic growth, and maintenance. Through smartphone apps, residents are able to effectively be part in building their smart cities.

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The City of Livermore, City of Oroville, City of Compton, and many other smart cities have empowered their citizens with smart mobile apps. Through their smartphone app, the users are able to report issues such as broken lamp post, fallen trees, missing manhole covers, and other issues. Without a the smartphone app, citizens report issues by filling out a form and having the wait for a paper-based system to process reported problem.  In most cases, residents rely on their local government to do their monthly inspections and fix the problems in the city.

With the smartphone apps, issues can be reported and processes 2 to 3 times faster. With smartphones, citizens area able to get the latest information, vote on economic growth  plans, and other major decisions that they can be involved in.

Be part of a Smart City today!

“Open For Business” for Smart Cities

Smart Cities, Smart Counties, and Smart States  are using Smart Technologies to stimulate Economic Growth. Cities like Chicago, Boston, Las Vegas, Riverside, and the State of New Jersey have started programs to help create business in a more friendlier citizen centric approach. One such technology used by these jurisdiction is ProjectDox from Avolve Software that helps streamline multi-agency collaboration through digital transformation.
Avolve Augmented Reality building with PDox

The City of Riverside just recently announced their First Program of the Business Ready Riverside Initiative. “As a ‘Business Ready’ City, Riverside understands the challenges of today’s business and home owners and as such, strives to deliver programs that increase efficiencies and save money for the City’s customers.Read more